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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about ePass

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 | 5:10 AM

Epass Scholorship Bank Account changing Guidelines and questions

FAQS Of Category:Bank Account

Question1: Why should I get a bank account??
Answer:  To receive a scholarship, every student must have a bank account in any of the nationalised scheduled banks.

Question2: How do I change my bank account from the one that is registered on the epass website?
Answer:  Every student or college who desires to change his bank account to the one given on the website will have to submit the original bank documents with account particulars to the concerned welfare officers who can then submit a change request to the PMU.
Where colleges want to change thier bank account they wil have to furnish a no objection certificate from the exisiting bank and a no objectiion from the new bank for making a change request for the bank account

Epas Student ScholorShip Regsistration After Last Date

FAQS Of Category:Student Registration

Question1: Can I register after the last date??
Answer:  unless the date for registration has been extended you cannot register as the epass portal will not allow you to register.  Please register in time to avoid disappointment!

Faqs on epass PostMatric ScholorShip

FAQS Of Category:Post Matric Scholarship

Question1: What is a post matric Scholarship (PMS)?
Answer:  A post matric scholarship is the scholarship which is granted to students by the welfare departments of the Govt. for enabling eligible students who have passed tenth class (SSC examination or equivalent to pursue post matric studies such as intermedeate, ITI, polytechnic, professional courses, graduate and post graduate courses, Ph.D etc.

Question2: what are the components of a PMS?
Answer:  A post matric scholarship has two components namely reimbursement of tuition fee (RTF) to the college and maintenance fee to the student (MTF).

Question3: How much reimbursement will I get?
Answer:  The reimbursement off tuition will be dependent on the course you pursue.  While most of the courses are eligible for 100% of the tution fee as fixed by the government. Self financed courses are eligbile only foor a maximum of Rs. 20,000 or the acutal fee charged by the college, which ever is less.

Question4: Will I get a scholarship automatically on application?
Answer:  Scholarships are granted only after admission to a college and is subject to verification and eligibility.   Only those who are eligible will be granted a scholarship.  The steps for a scholarship are given as under:
Secure admission to a college
Apply online for a scholarship through the concerned welfare department ( SC/ST/BC/EBC/DW/MW)
Verification by the college principal
Verification by the Verification officer
Scrutiny by the Welfare Officer
Sanction of the scholarship
Subission of the bill online to the treasury
Sanction of the bill and upload of amounts into student (MTF) and college (RTF) bank accounts

Question5: How can I know my scholarship status??
Answer:  Pleasse visit the epass website at http://epasswebsite.cgg.gov.in and click on the scholarship status button given in the middle of the web page.  furnish you application ID and other details as required. Upon furnish the details you will get a detailed statement showing the different transactions on your application.

Question6: what is the eligibility for getting a scholarship??
Answer:  The two eligible criterion are income limit,age and gap period
Income:  All students whose family income is less than one lakh per year other than SC and ST are eligible for a scholarship.  However the family income for students belonging to the SC and ST community is fixed at Rs. two lakhs per year with effect from 01-07-2011.  Family income  includes income from all sources.  In case of a married student, the income of the spouse will be the criterion.  In case of a dependent child, the income of the family as a whole is the criterion.
Age: The Maximum eligible age as on the date of 1.7.2011 for the various courses are given as under for obtaining a scholarship:

1. Level of study
EBC/Minorities/ Disabled as on 01-07-2011
SC,ST & BC as on    1-07-2011
20 years
24 years
25 years
29 years
PG & above
30 years
34 years

Gap period: The gap period between the last course done and the present course cannot be more than two years.  Where the gap is more than two years, such students will not be eligible for a scholarship.

Question7: Can I secure a scholarship for the previous year??
Answer:  No the scholarship can be claimed only for the current year. Scholarships for the previous year can not be claimed under any circumstance. 

Question8: What should i do if i am paid less than the amount charged by the college?
Answer:  Scholarlships are paid base on the fee notified by the government from time to time. In some cases the college fee wrongly speified by the concern authority in such cases you may make a representtion to the concerned Head of Department for rectiying the mistake and payment of thee differential amount. For detail of fee structures for various courses please visit the home page of this website and click on fee strutcture. Please note there are as many as 12000 courses and 1,44,000 fee structures.

Question9: Why soould I provide my email id and mobile number at the time of registration ??
Answer:  The email id and mobile number are requirelld to send you automatic communation of your application status from time to time. Secondly when the scholarship amount sanctiooned you will be sent an sms message of the mobile phone. In case you do not have the mobile phone you can furnish of the mobile number of your parents and friends and neighbours. This is an additional faility to be provided to the student and college for assertaining the transaction status.

Question10: How do I know my verification officer??
Answer:  The District Colleltor appoints verification officers for one or more colleges depending on the number of students in the college. The verification process is a two step verification process:
Verification by the College Principle: All applications to be verified inividually by the college and signed by the principal of the college.
Verification by the verification officer: The verifiation officer will have to verify all the tudent in the college an appointed date and time.
The details of the verification officer can  be viewed on this website by clicking of the verification officer details given on the right side of the web page.

Question11: Is the scholarship registration available through out the year?
Answer:  The scholarship registration is open only for a specific period of time by the governmentt.  All students and colleges must file their application for registration only during this period of time.  once the period is over the facilitiy for registration will no longer be available on the website.  No scholarship can be given to the student who has not registered on the epass website

Question12: Are student of economic backward classes are eligible for MTF?
Answer:  The Student belonging to Economically Backward Classes are not eligible for MTF for all the courses. They are also not elilgible for RTF for Inermediate Courses.

Question13: Can I be eligible for a scholarship if i study in a college out side the state of Andhra Pradesh?
Answer:  Students of AP belonging to SC & ST Community are eligible for a scholarship when they study in the Premier institutions notified by the Ministry of Social Justice.  You may visit the website of the Ministry of Social Justice & empowerment under the title "Central sector scheme for top class education". 

Question14: Where can i get the details of scholarships??
Answer:  You can get the details of the Scholarship  are given in G.O MS No 66 SW(Edn.2)/2010 Dept dated 8.9.2010. a copy of the G.O can be download from ePass website under the G.Os and memos menu.
In addition to the G.O Ms. 66 SW(Edn.2)/2010  dated 8.9.2010 a number of instructions are given from time to time and constantly uploaded on the website.  You can have a look at the detailed instrucitons given.

Question15: I do not have an SSc ID since I have studied in the open univeristy or other state what should I do since the online system does not accept my application number?
Answer:  wherever the application number is not being accepted by the online system or you get a message " student not ffound in the database" kindly meet the welfare officer along with the original documents to help you in the data entry process.  the welffare officer will examine your original documents and then only cause the entry to be done.  Once your name is entered you can fill the relevant details later.

Question16: My parents are from A.P. but I have studied outside the state will I be elgible for a scholarship for a course inside the state?
Answer:  You are eligible for a scholarship under the PMS scheme.  Since you cannot the enter the data directly, you will have tto meet the district welfare officer concerned to address your problem.  Students from outside A.P. are not eligible for a scholarship.

Question17: I have studied my XII class in CBSE how do i enter my application ?
Answer:  The databse of the SSC from 2005 to the current date is linked to the scholarship database.  The databse for the CBSE is also linked from 2005 onwards.  where you have a problem in registering for a scholarship, you can immediately contact the district welfare officer concerned for assisting you in the matter.
Question18: Is there a separate format for the income certificate ?
Answer:  The income certificate is issued to a student based on an income affidavit given as a declaration by the student.  wrongful declaration off income may lead to criminal prosecution as per the law.  Please ensure that you get a certificate off income from the concerned MRO with his employee code and stamp which is affixed clearly.  All incomplete certificates will be summarily rejected.  For details on the income declaration form, please refer to the home page of this website under G.O's and circulars.

Faqs or questions doubts o epass scholarship verification

FAQS Of Category:Verification

Question1: what is the meaning of verification in the scholarship process?
Answer:  The process of verification is essentially meant to check whether the particulars given in the scholarship form are correct as per the documents enclosed.  The verification is done in two steps namely college verification and Independent verification.
College Verification:  In this verification, the college principal has been mandated to verify the documents furnished by each student with the entry made in the application form.  Once the verification is completed and all entries are ound correct, he would finally sign the same and send it to the department for verification by the verification officer appointed by the District Collector
Verification by the Verification Officer:  the verification officer appointed by the District Collector will conduct physical and documentary verification and submit his report either accepting or rejecting the scholarship application.
Scrutiny by the Welfare Officer: before each and every application is taken up for sanction it is the responsibility of the welfare officer to satisfy himself of the verification by the college principal and the verification officer and finally sanction the scholarship.
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